I release music both under my own name and as a songwriter under the band name ‘Camino Day’ (published through Jam Music, london).

Songwriting is my first love. It’s the thing I always need to come back to and the one thing that can take me places I can’t seem to reach with anything else I do. 
Always recording the odd song here and there, my current project of working on my own album is underway. With the majority of the songs written, recording has now started in Sao Paulo and Rio. Demos were recorded at the ranch where I live and my surroundings and recent obsession with the West and all things Americana are influencing the sound of my new music. I can’t wait to be able to share it with you. 

In the meantime you can listen to some of my previous songs below. The videos were made by me, using found footage for my song ‘Over by the Wasteland’ and the photography of Greg Girard for ‘Find a Way’ which he kindly let me use and animate. 

My new music will be shared on the usual platforms below as soon as possible.

Thank you for listening and watching.